Deseő’s apparatus for mass vaccination

Deseő-féle tömegoltó készülék


The innovator: László Deseő, veterinarian, son of professor Dezső Deseő. He was born in 1928 in Budapest, graduated as a veterinary surgeon in 1955 and was a municipal veterinarian in Poroszló and Tiszanána.

Other names: Deseő’s equipment

Description: ” A suction-pressure device with rubber valve, suitable for both mass vaccination and direct blood transfusion, to be mounted on a Hauptner cone syringe.”
(Állatorvosi értelmező szótár. Szerk. Gallyas Csaba, Holló Ferenc. Budapest, Mezőgazdasági Kiadó, 1984. p. 162.)

The picture is taken from the book below, which also contains a detailed description of the equipment:
Tamás László, Fellner Ferenc: Állatorvosi sebészeti műtéttan. Budapest, Mezőgazdasági Kiadó, 1960. p. 121-122.

Year: The year of the innovation may be 1952 or 1953, The innovation was first reported in the following article. Szikora András: Újítások. Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja, 1953. 8. 8. p. 252–254.


“In addition to vaccination of pigs, it can also be used excellently for the  vaccination of poultry, for blood transfusion, for draining of abscess, for the creation of pneumothorax, and for ampoule filling with medicine. In addition to its versatility, the device is very simple to use.”
Szikora András: Új műszerek az állatgyógyászat területén. Természet és technika, 1953. 112. 1–2. p. 566–567.

A few years after its introduction, Dr. László Tamás demonstrated the suitability of the apparatus for direct blood transfusion by experiments, in which Tamás had improved the equipment on the basis of his practical experiences. “We have successfully used  Deseő’s apparatus for mass vaccination for direct blood transfusion. The plunger is prevented from sticking by pouring a few ml of sodium citrate solution over the plunger in a syringe held vertically….”
Tamás László: Vérátömlesztés lovon. Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja, 1957. 12. 3. p. 82–85.

Dr. Tamás László vérátömlesztést hajt végre a Deseő-készülékkel
Dr. Tamás László vérátömlesztést hajt végre a Deseő-készülékkel


The name of the innovator, László Deseő can be found in the directory of hungarian veterinary surgeons edited by Iván and Ivánné Szép (1968),

Éva Orbán