Inventor: veterinarian Árpád Komári from Balástya
Árpád Komári obtained his veterinary degree in Vienna, and the Board of the College of Veterinary Medicine decided on the naturalisation of his diploma at its meeting on 30 June 1961. The veterinary surgeon, who was then working in Balázscseh, had been working in Hungary since 1941.
(Source: Állatorvostudományi Főiskola – kari tanácsülés, 1960-1961.1961. június 30. URL:
Other names: Komári dental care apparatus
Description: “The instrument, which is an electric motor-driven grinding device that makes 8,000 revolutions per minute, has proved excellent in practice. The instrument consists of two interchangeable end pieces. One is a straight one, the other is this instrument, as we have been lagging behind in the treatment of horses’ teeth. In the photograph we present the most perfect dental instrument ever made…, which was also developed within the framework of the innovatory movement.”
(Source of the text and photos: Szikora András: Állatorvosi újítások. Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja, 1952. 7. 6. 189.)
“For spreading the horse’s mouth, a mouthpiece-like device is necessary. The most useful for this purpose is an improved mouth speculum by Komári or Füles, because their operation is reliable. To grind the teeth, an electric motor running at 8,000 revolutions per minute is required. The dental instrument consists of two interchangeable pieces. One is straight, the other is broken at right angle. The grinding parts are of different shapes.”
(Source: 515. Készülék lovak fogainak ápolására. Újítók Lapja, 1956. 8. 15.)
Year: around 1952
Interesting: In 1950, the state veterinarian Imre Füles, mentioned in Újítók Lapja (Journal of Innovators), examined the teeth of 538 horses in his district (Algyő). On the basis of the examination, he concluded that “the cause of the chewing disorders was predominantly sharp (jagged) teeth… In veterinary medicine, therefore, dental treatment should be directed mainly towards the grinding of edges and tips.”
(Source: Füles Imre: Adatok a lovak fogazatának rendellenességeihez. Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja, 1950. 5. 9. 274–276.)
Éva Orbán