Bizonyítékokon alapuló állatorvoslás (Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine) : Továbbképző tanfolyam.

Bizonyítékokon alapuló állatorvoslás (EBVM)

magyarul Bizonyítékokon alapuló állatorvoslás (EBVM) : Továbbképző tanfolyam. Publ. RCVS Knowledge, transl. Orbán Éva. Budapest, 2023. URL: While both quality assurance (QA) and evidence-based (veterinary) medicine (EBVM) have been part of the practice of doctors and other professionals for Tovább …

Procedure for the drying of green molasses and molasses fodder

Fokányi László

magyarul Inventors/innovators: László Fokányi (1874-1940), veterinary doctor, titular public extraordinary teacher, veterinary inspector, later head of the veterinary department of the Ministry of Agriculture; lecturer in the Hungarian public administration organization and veterinary medicine.   János Tolvay, agricultural officer. He worked in Tovább …

Procedure for the manufacturing of a medicinal product for the treatment and prevention of diseases in the rearing of animals

Sertések Kőbányán

magyarul Inventors: József Marek, DVM (1868–1952) “Veterinarian, Doctor of Philosophy, honorary and ordinary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Kossuth prize-winning university professor. He was a professor at the Hungarian Royal Veterinary College from 1901 to 1935, he was Tovább …

Process for diminishing quantity of chemical materials-remainders in the organismus of domestic animals with feeding

Eljárás a kémiai maradványok mennyiségének csökkentésére takarmányozással a háziállatok szervezetében

magyarul Rightholder: HAS Veterinary Medical Research Institute, the protection expired in 1992. Number: 180402 Inventor: László Prohászka DVM, PhD (1924– ) researcher. Graduated as a veterinarian in 1948, than got his doctoral degree in 1949 in the field of obstetrics. Tovább …